Note (Aug/03/2016):
The first version of the abstract template had a typo in the header.
“Internatinal” –> “International”
We appreciate it if you could correct it in your abstract. It was revised in the second version of the abstract template. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Abstract Guidelines
Contributors of presentations at the conference are invited to submit electronically a one page abstract (approx. 300 words and incl. 1 or 2 figures) no later than August 5th, 2016, August 19th, 2016 August 24th, 2016. The scope of the conference is announced at the conference website ( Notification of acceptance will be given on September 30th, 2016 October 7th, 2016. Upon acceptance authors will be invited to write a camera-ready abstract by October 14th, 2016 October 20th, 2016.
We will distribute the abstracts at the conference in an electronic format. The abstract should outline the main features, results and conclusions as well as their general significance, and contain relevant references. The abstract in PDF format (less than 2MB file size) should be submitted from the conference website. The abstract has to be written in English with Times New Roman size 12 pt. The distance between two text lines should be approximately 3 mm. All margins are 2.5 cm and the maximum size of the abstract is 1 page. The abstract must contain the full name and full address of author/s. In the case of joint authorship, the name of the author who will actually present the paper at the conference should be indicated with an asterisk. For any further request, please contact the Conference program chair.
E-mail: mnst2016[at]
Abstract Template
MNST2016_abstract_template.doc (Word)
MNST2016_abstract_template.pdf (PDF)
MNST2016_abstract_template-updated.doc (Word)
MNST2016_abstract_template-updated.pdf (PDF)
Note (Aug/03/2016):
The first version of the abstract template had a typo in the header.
“Internatinal” –> “International”
We appreciate it if you could correct it in your abstract. It was revised in the second version of the abstract template. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Abstract Classification List
Please choose the most closely related category from the following list.
Nano Materials and Mechanical Property of Micro/Nano Materials
Nano-carbon, Nano Tubes/Wires, Smart Materials, Fatigue, Standardization of Material Test
Fluid Mechanics
Measurement/Simulation/Modeling of Micro/Nano Flows, Micro Bubble, Microfluidics, Micro Pump/Valve
Thermal Engineering
Nano-scale Heat Transfer, Phonon Engineering, Thermal Control Devices, Nanoscale Transport in Fuel Cells
Micro/Nano-tribology, Nano-liquid Film, Wetting Phenomena, Reliability of Micro/Nano-machine
Micro-robotics / Micro-mechatronics
Bio-manipulation, Actuator, Positioning, Micro/Nano Technologies for ICT
Biomedical Engineering
Lab on a Chip, Cell Engineering, Bio-material, Microsystems for Human Diagnostics and Healthcare
MEMS Technologies
MEMS Fabrication Technologies, Micro Sensors and Actuators, Packaging, Nano-transducers
Non-MEMS Micro/Nano Fabrication Technologies
Micro/Nano Machining, Surface Modification, Laser Processing, 3D Printing
Micro Energy
Energy Harvesting, Thin-film Battery, Microscale Combustion, Micro Engine