Oral Presentation Guidelines
- Plenary Lectures: 45min. presentation + 5min. discussion (total 50min.)
- Special Lectures: 25min. presentation + 5min. discussion (total 30min.)
- Oral presentation: 12min. presentation + 3min. discussion(total 15min.)
It is critical that talks are kept on time. Please do not exceed your allotted time. The official Language is English.
Oral presentations should be only presented by PC (Power Point tec.). All speakers are requested to use their own laptop PC. The standard connection for laptops is VGA (D-sub 15pin) connection. If you do not have VGA connection on your computer, please be sure to bring an adapter. Speakers are recommended to bring their presentation data by a USB memory stick as a backup. The electrical supply is 100V AC in Japan. Japanese power outlets are identical to ungrounded North American outlets (2-pin, A-type). Speakers are responsible for transformers and plug adapters. No sound output equipment will be available.
All speakers must meet in the room at least 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the session. Please check your laptop with the equipment before your session starts. The conference staff will support you, if you need.
Poster Sessions Guidelines
All poster presenters are responsible for displaying your poster before the beginning of Poster session. Maximum poster size is A0 portrait, 1189mm(height)×841mm(width). Each poster board will have a Presentation ID in the upper left corner of the space for the poster. We will provide the push-pins to mount your poster.