A special issue for this symposium is planned to be published from IET Micro & Nano Letters. The authors are encouraged to submit a manuscript of your paper to Micro & Nano Letters. Manuscripts will be reviewed and published in the special issue of Micro & Nano Letters.
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IF: 0.853
JSME International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 2016, Tokyo, Japan: Special Issue of Micro & Nano Letters
Guest Editors:
- Satoyuki Kawano, Osaka Univ. (Symposium General Chair)
- Norihisa Miki, Keio Univ. (Symposium Program Chair)
- Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Kyoto Univ. (Editorial Board Member of MNL)
Authors are invited to submit their papers from the International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 2016 to Micro & Nano Letters (MNL) for consideration for publication in the journal. Your manuscript should be based on the work presented at the International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 2016.
- Submission deadline: February 28th 2017
- Notification of first decision: May 1st 2017
- Final notification of acceptance: June 12th 2017
- Publication: August 2017 (accepted individual papers will be published online ahead of the issue when ready)
Micro & Nano Letters is available on the IET Digital Library and IEEE Xplore, and is indexed in most major databases including SCI-E, Scopus, IET Inspec and EI Compendex. More detailed information about Micro & Nano Letters is available at www.ietdl.org/MNL
Your paper should be submitted to the special issue via the Micro & Nano Letters online submission site (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/MNL) stating, when prompted, that the paper is for the International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 2016 special issue.
Submission details, such as how to format your manuscript, can be found in the Micro & Nano Letters author guide:
If you have any further questions, please contact the MNL editorial office at micronanoletters[at]theiet.org